Home > News > Heath Clary family of Newbern named Outstanding Young Farm Family for catfish

Heath Clary family of Newbern named Outstanding Young Farm Family for catfish

Heath Clary family

Heath Clary of Hale County was named the Catfish Division winner in the statewide Outstanding Young Farm Family (OYFF) contest organized by the Alabama Farmers Federation. Clary was recognized during the Federation’s Young Farmers Conference Feb. 15 in Muscle Shoals in front of 450 of their peers. He farms in Newbern. As the Catfish Division winner, Clary will serve an ex-officio term on the Federation’s State Catfish Committee. He also received $500 from the Federation. OYFF competitors are farmers ages 18 to 35 years old who earn most of their income from production agriculture and are judged based on farm growth, Federation involvement and community service. Clary won the division following an in-depth application and interview process. From left are Federation Executive Director Paul Pinyan; Heath Clary and his wife, Christina and their five children; and Federation Young Farmers Division Director Hunter McBrayer.

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